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- on exitFrame
- global gqzlist, gqzitemlist, gqzfmaplist, gqzgmaplist, gqzrmaplist, gqzbmaplist, gqzcmaplist, gmondaigoukei, gseikaigoukei
- if gmondaigoukei = 0 then
- set gmondaigoukei to 1
- end if
- if gmondaigoukei = 0 then
- set gseikaigoukei to 1
- end if
- put gmondaigoukei into field "F-ALLQ"
- put gseikaigoukei into field "F-ALLS"
- put gmondaigoukei - gseikaigoukei into field "F-ALLF"
- put integer(float(gseikaigoukei) / float(gmondaigoukei) * 100) into field "F-QR"
- set itemsousuu to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 26
- if getAt(gqzitemlist, n) >= 1 then
- set itemsousuu to itemsousuu + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- if getaProp(gqzlist, #dgitemm) = 1 then
- set itemsousuu to itemsousuu + 1
- end if
- case itemsousuu of
- "21":
- put "100" into field "F-ITEM"
- "20":
- put "95" into field "F-ITEM"
- "19":
- put "90" into field "F-ITEM"
- "18":
- put "85" into field "F-ITEM"
- otherwise:
- if itemsousuu >= 21 then
- put "100" into field "F-ITEM"
- else
- put "85" into field "F-ITEM"
- end if
- end case
- set ivclr to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 67
- if getAt(gqzlist, n) >= 1 then
- set ivclr to ivclr + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(ivclr) / 67 * 100) into field "F-IV"
- set walkf to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 15
- if getAt(gqzfmaplist, n) >= 1 then
- set walkf to walkf + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(walkf) / 15 * 100) into field "F-mF"
- set walkf to integer(float(walkf) / 15 * 100)
- set walkr to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 22
- if getAt(gqzrmaplist, n) >= 1 then
- set walkr to walkr + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(walkr) / 22 * 100) into field "F-mR"
- set walkr to integer(float(walkr) / 22 * 100)
- set walkg to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 18
- if getAt(gqzgmaplist, n) >= 1 then
- set walkg to walkg + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(walkg) / 18 * 100) into field "F-mG"
- set walkg to integer(float(walkg) / 18 * 100)
- set walkb to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 32
- if getAt(gqzbmaplist, n) >= 1 then
- set walkb to walkb + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(walkb) / 32 * 100) into field "F-mB"
- set walkb to integer(float(walkb) / 32 * 100)
- set walkc to 0
- repeat with n = 1 to 21
- if getAt(gqzcmaplist, n) >= 1 then
- set walkc to walkc + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- put integer(float(walkc) / 21 * 100) into field "F-mC"
- set walkc to integer(float(walkc) / 21 * 100)
- put "100" into field "F-mL"
- put integer(float(walkf + walkr + walkg + walkb + walkc + 100) / 600 * 100) into field "F-mAL"
- end